EACL Newsletter

Issue 19

October 2014

Table of Contents

  1. Editorial
  2. View from the Chair
  3. EACL Board
  4. Report on 2013 events
  6. Report on EACL 2014
  7. Report on ACL 2014
  8. Report on CoNLL 2014
  9. Report on COLING 2014
  10. Report on EMNLP 2014
  11. Report on ESSLLI 2014
  12. Calendar

1. Editorial

Welcome to the EACL newsletter for 2014. The newsletter starts with a message from the chair of EACL, Stephen Clark. I start by giving a summary on the principal conferences in Computational Linguistics held in 2013 (as we did not produce a Newsletter covering them in 2013). After that, we include an extensive report on EACL 2014 held in Gothenburg last April, prepared by the conference general chair. Finally, we have a series of reports on the various international conferences held in 2014.

The Student Board has again carefully edited a dense calendar of European and international events of interest that will soon take place. The document is available via the EACL home page (http://www.eacl.org).

Lluís Màrquez

2. View from the Chair

I have been Chair of the EACL Board for almost two years now and my complete 4-year term is coming to an end. What has the Board been doing during that time?

First, we spend a lot of time overseeing conference organisation. During my time on the Board we have had EACL 2012 in Avignon; selected the site and main chairs for EACL 2014 in Gothenburg; been part of a committee selecting the site and main chairs for ACL 2016 in Berlin; and we're about to send out the call for bids for EACL 2017. Second, we have been spending significant time updating the EACL web pages and creating a new EACL-focused conference handbook, both of which will go live before the end of the year. And third, we have dealt with various other administrative issues, such as awarding student scholarships for attendance at ACL conferences held in Europe. The EACL Board typically has two meetings per year, one virtual and one in person at a suitable conference being held in Europe. Additional duties as Chair include representing EACL at the twice-yearly ACL Executive meetings.

As mentioned above, the call for bids for EACL 2017 is about to appear. If you are considering putting in a bid I would encourage you to contact my successor Lluís Màrquez, to get some insights into what is involved in both the bid preparation and the hosting of the conference itself.

The EACL Board is about to change considerably in 2015. I would like to thank Alexander Koller, Vivi Nastase and Kemal Oflazer, who are all coming to the end of their four year terms on the Advisory Board, for all their hard work during this time. It has been a pleasure working with all of you. I would also like to thank my predecessor as Chair, Sien Moens, and the previous Secretary, Joakim Nivre.

The Student Board members do a great job in taking care of the EACL website, as well as organising the Student Research Workshop at the EACL conferences. I would like to thank Konstantina Garoufi, Ivan Vulic, and Coskun Mermer, whose terms came to an end during my term as Chair, and welcome Mariona Coll Ardanuy as a new Student Board member.

Shuly Wintner provides a report below on EACL 2014 held in Gothenburg, and the success of the conference clearly demonstrates the health of Computational Linguistics in Europe. Shuly did a brilliant job as General Chair, as did Sharon Goldwater and Stefan Riezler as Program Chairs. I would also like to mention Yvonne Adesam, Martin Kasa, and Nina Tahmasebi, who, as part of the local organising committee, put in a huge amount of work to ensure that the conference went ahead smoothly. One of the insights I have had as EACL Chair is how much work goes on behind the scenes to ensure that our conferences are a success.

Stephen Clark
Chair of EACL

3. EACL Board

The current EACL board is composed as follows:

Chair: Chair-elect: Treasurer: Secretary: Advisory Board: Student Board: Nominating Committee

4. Report on 2013 events

ACL 2013: The 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics was held in Sofia, Bulgaria. It took place August 4th-8th, 2013. Hinrich Schuetze (University of Munich) was the General Chair; Pascale Fung (Hong-Kong University of Science and Technology) and Massimo Poesio (University of Essex) were the Program co-Chairs; Svetla Koeva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) was the Local Chair. ACL 2013 received a record number of 1286 submissions (12% more than the previous record), of which 662 were long papers and 624 short papers. These submissions were managed by a program committee of 45 area chairs assisted by 711 reviewers. 174 long papers and 154 short papers were accepted for presentation at the main conference, including 16 papers from the Transactions of the ACL. There were three keynote speakers: Harald Baayen (University of Tübingen and University of Alberta) who gave the talk "When parsing makes things worse: An eye-tracking study of English compounds", Chantel Prat (University of Wisconsin) who presented the talk "Individual Differences in Language and Executive Processes: How the Brain Keeps Track of Variables", and Lars Rasmussen (Facebook), as industrial keynote speaker, who gave a talk entitled "The Natural Language Interface of Graph Search". The ACL Lifetime Achievement Award was given to Jerry Hobbs. Apart from the main conference, ACL 2013 hosted 7 tutorials, 15 workshops, a System Demonstration track and a Student Research Workshop. Additionally, the CoNLL-2013 conference was co-located with ACL.

NAACL HLT 2013: NAACL HLT 2013 took place June 9-14, 2013 in Atlanta. Lucy Vanderwende (Microsoft Research) was the general conference chair and Hal Daume III (University of Maryland) and Katrin Kirchhoff (University of Washington) were the Program Committee chairs. Priscilla Rasmussen handled local arrangements. The main conference received 294 full paper submissions of which 89 papers were accepted (30.2%), as well as 162 short paper submissions of which 51 were accepted (31.4%). 62 full papers and 31 short papers were orally presentated, while the other 47 were presented as posters. For the first time, 5 papers from the Transactions of the ACL were presented at NAACL HLT. The conference was attended by 553 main conference attendees, 131 tutorial-only attendees, and 276 workshop attendees. NAACL HLT 2013 had two invited talks: "Predicting Meaning: What the Brain tells us about the Architecture of Language Comprehension" by Gina Kuperberg (Tufts University) and "Natural Language Applications from Fact to Fiction" by Kathleen McKeown (Columbia University). For the first time, tutorials and all oral presentations were video-recorded. NAACL HLT 2013 was co-located with *SEM and with ICML. There were several workshops and one symposium co-organized by NAACL and ICML to bridge the two conferences.

EMNLP 2013: EMNLP 2013 was held in Seattle, Washington, as a stand-alone conference, between October 18-21, 2013, in the Grand Hyatt Seattle. This was the 18th EMNLP conference, sponsored by SIGDAT. The conference general chair was David Yarowsky (Johns Hopkins University); the program co-chairs were Tim Baldwin (University of Melbourne) and Anna Korhonen (University of Cambridge). Priscilla Rasmussen handled local arrangements. EMNLP 2013 received 772 valid submissions (not including co-submitted papers that were withdrawn from the conference), made up of 539 long papers and 233 short papers. These papers were reviewed across a total of 15 areas (managed by 30 area chairs) and evaluated by a combined programme committee of 505 reviewers. 28% of the long paper submissions and 24% of the short paper submissions were accepted for publication at the conference. The main conference was held over 3 days (October 19-21) with 3 parallel sessions. The two keynote speakers were Fernando Pereira (Research Director at Google) who presented the talk "Meaning in the Wild" and Andrew Ng (Co-CEO and Co-founder of Coursera), presenting a talk "The Online Revolution: Education for Everyone". EMNLP 2013 also hosted three one-day workshops on October 18, 2013.

IJCNLP 2013: The 6th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP), organized by the Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing was held in Nagoya, Japan, October 14-18, 2013. Hsin-Hsi Chen (National Taiwan University) was the General Chair; Ruslan Mitkov (University of Wolverhampton) and Jong C. Park (KAIST) were the Program Co-Chairs; and Hitoshi Isahara (Toyohashi University of Technology) was the chair of the Local Organization Committee. There were 363 submissions including 235 regular-, 86 short-, and 42 poster-papers from more than 37 countries. Approximately 63% of the papers were from 14 countries and areas in Asia Pacific, 18% from 14 countries in Europe, 14% from the United States and Canada, 4% from the Middle East and Africa, and 1% from South America. Out of the 363 submissions, the PC accepted 85 regular papers (23.4% acceptance rate), 53 short papers (38.0% acceptance rate), and 62 poster papers. IJCNLP 2013 counted with 370 participants in total (326, 316, and 79 registered for the main conference, workshops, and tutorials, repectively). The invited talks were given by Hwee Tou Ng (National University of Singapore) and Roberto Navigli (the Sapienza University of Rome).

CoNLL 2013: In 2013, the annual meeting of CoNLL was collocated with the ACL annual meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria. It took place August 8th-9th, 2013. The conference chairs were Julia Hockenmaier (UIUC) and Sebastian Riedel (UCL). CoNLL 2013 received 100 submissions, excluding those which were automatically rejected or later withdrawn of which 25 papers were accepted (25%). Two invited talks were given by Ben Taskar ("Probabilistic Models of Diversity: Determinantal Point Processes") and Roger Levy ("Probabilistic Knowledge and Uncertain Input in Human Sentence Processing"). More information can be found on the conference website: http://www.clips.ua.ac.be/conll/. As usual, CoNLL-2013 run a high-profile NLP shared task. The task for 2013, "Grammatical Error Correction", was new and was organised by a team chaired by Hwee Tou Ng (NUS) and composed by Joel Tetreault (Nuance Communications) and Siew Mei Wu, Yuanbin Wu, and Christian Hadiwinoto (all of them from NUS). Information on the task can be found at http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~nlp/conll13st.html.

ESSLLI 2013: The 25th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2013) was held at Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf, Germany, August 5-16, 2013, under the auspices of FoLLI (the Association for Logic, Language, and Information) and of the Vice President for Research and Innovation of the University of Düsseldorf. It was organized by SFB 991 and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Düsseldorf. The organisation committee was chaired by Laura Kallmeyer and Wiebke Petersen (University of Düsseldorf) and the programme committee was chaired by Johan Bos (University of Groningen). ESSLLI 2013 hosted 50 courses given by a total of 77 lecturers and 5 workshops. Additionally, ESSLLI 2013 offered a Student Session and four evening lectures given by distinguished invited speakers: Ulrike Sattler (Manchester), Gerald Penn (Toronto), Sebastian Löbner (Düsseldorf) and Patrick Blackburn (Roskilde). The winners of the E. W. Beth Dissertation Prize 2013 were: Wesley H. Holliday (Stanford University) for the dissertation "Knowing What Follows: Epistemic Closure and Epistemic Logic" and Ekaterina Lebedeva (University of Lorraine) for the dissertation "Expressing Discourse Dynamics via Continuations". Finally, the 18th conference on Formal Grammar Düsseldorf, was held in conjunction with ESSLLI 2013

Note: The above short reports were prepared reusing materials from the public websites and proceedings of the conferences and the ACL "Reports" site hosted at http://www.aclweb.org/adminwiki/

Lluís Màrquez
EACL Chair-Elect

5. Report on EACL 2014

EACL 2014 was held in Gothenburg, Sweden, on 26-30 April 2014. The conference consisted of two days of workshops and tutorials, followed by three days of the main session.

For the first time, the program included both long and short papers. We received 317 long paper submissions, of which 78 (24.6%) were accepted; and 199 short paper submissions, of which 46 (23.1%) were accepted. 82 of the papers were presented orally, and the remaining ones were presented as posters. We also had two presentations of TACL papers. The program also included a Student Research Workshop, with 13 accepted papers (out of 42 submissions, 30%); a demo session with 26 accepted demos; 14 workshops, a record number; and 6 tutorials. Invited speakers Simon King, Ulrike von Luxburg, and Dan Roth gave excellent keynote presentations.

The scientific program was augmented by an extended social program. A reception was hosted by the city of Gothenburg on Sunday; the poster-demo session was accompanied by drinks and refreshments, in a way that encouraged many participants to spend time in front of the presentations; and a conference dinner, which was included in the registration fee, was organized in a unique setting on Tuesday. And on Wednesday, the Gothenburg traditional Cortege was held just after the closing session.

The conference attracted a record number of 512 participants, of which almost 400 attended the main session, 375 the workshops and 118, the tutorials. Careful planning of the budget by the local organizers, as well as generous support by several sponsors, resulted in a healthy surplus of about USD 20,000.

EACL website: http://eacl2014.org/

Shuly Wintner
EACL 2014 General Chair

6. Report on ACL 2014

ACL 2014 was held in Baltimore, MD, USA, on June 22-27 2014.

ACL 2014 received 1,123 submissions, of which it accepted 146 long papers and 129 short papers for a combined acceptance rate of 26.1%. After adding 19 TACL papers, the program was structured to include 159 oral and 145 poster presentations. Workshop proposals were handled jointly by ACL, EACL, and EMNLP. Across the three conferences, there were 42 submissions. Based on the workshop organizers' preferences and the quality of the submissions, ACL 2014 eventually selected 17 workshops (15 one-day workshops and 2 two-day workshops). The ACL 2014 Workshop Chairs have also collaborated with the CoNNL-2014 organizers to make CoNNL-2014 a collocated event. ACL 2014 received 19 tutorial proposals, of which it selected 8; 39 demo proposals, of which it selected 21; 7 thesis and 19 research paper submissions for the Student Research Workshop, of which it accepted 5 and 8, respectively. ACL 2014 had two distinguished invited speakers: Corinna Cortes (head of Google Research New York) talked about her work on learning ensembles of structured prediction rules. Zoran Popović (Professor, University of Washington) showed how humans and machines can collaborate to solve hard problems that neither can solve alone.

ACL 2014 secured an impressive number of sponsorships: Baidu (Platinum Sponsor); Bloomberg, Google, Microsoft, Nuance, and Yahoo Labs (Gold Sponsors); Information Sciences Institute and Xerox Research Center Europe (Silver Sponsors); Brandeis University, Facebook, and Yandex (Bronze Sponsors); and IBM Research and the University of Washington (Supporters). The number of submissions and accepted presentations was consistent with numbers observed in previous years while the sponsorship was higher than in previous years. All indicators point to a field that is striving while continuing to mature.

The organizing committee was outstanding: the chairs of each individual area acted with high professionalism while fearlessly validating and testing new concepts and ideas. This resulted in many innovations, from local organization to program structure, to publication approach. We could have not got this far without the continuous guidance of the ACL Executive Committee, in particular Dragomir Radev and Priscilla Rasmussen, who bring to the table tremendous amounts of institutional knowledge and know-how. We are extremely grateful to them and everyone else who helped make ACL 2014 possible.

Main Innovations of ACL 2014

ACL website: http://acl2014.org/

Daniel Marcu
ACL 2014 General Chair

7. Report on CoNLL 2014

In 2014, the annual meeting of CoNLL was collocated with the ACL annual meeting in Baltimore, MA. It took place June 26-27, 2014. The conference chairs were Scott Wen-tau Yih (Microsoft Research) and Roser Morante (University of Antwerp). The conference received 90 submissions, of which 7 were eventually withdrawn, and accepted 20 of the remaining 83 papers.

The invited speaker on the first day was Prof. Morten Christiansen (Cornell University, University of Southern Denmark and Haskins Laboratories), talking about "Language Acquisition as Learning to Process." On the second day, the keynote speaker, Prof. Tom Mitchell (Carnegie Mellon University) introduced the "Never-Ending Language Learning" project, along with some recent updates in terms of research results and directions. More information can be found on the conference website: http://www.clips.ua.ac.be/conll/

The best paper winner this year is "Linguistic Regularities in Sparse and Explicit Word Representations" by Omer Levy and Yoav Goldberg. It is chosen from three nominated papers by the best paper award committee, consisting of Walter Daelemans, Joakim Nivre, Dan Roth and the two program co-chairs.

As in previous years, CoNLL-2014 hosted a high-profile NLP shared task, Grammatical Error Correction, a continuation of the shared task in 2013. Papers of the shared task are collected in a companion volume of the CoNLL-2014 proceedings. For more information, check the shared task website (http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~nlp/conll14st.html)

Roser Morante and Scott Yih
CoNLL 2014 Program Co-Chairs

8. Report on COLING 2014

Coling 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (http://www.Coling-2014.org), has been held in Dublin, Ireland. The conference has been organized by the Centre for Global Intelligent Content (CNGL) and held at the Helix Conference Centre at Dublin City University (DCU) from 25-29 August 2014, under the auspices of the International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL, http://nlp.shef.ac.uk/iccl). COLING is almost 50 years old, its first gathering having taken place in New York in 1965. It has been organized once every two years, initially in odd years and then in even years (after COLING 1976 in Ottawa). Throughout its long history, COLING's aspiration to provide an amicable forum for participants with broad backgrounds to present and share their ideas remains the same. We believe that the inherent complexity of language is worthy of study from diverse perspectives and that COLING provides a venue for fruitful interdisciplinary interaction. This year, over 800 participants had registered for Coling 2014 and came to Dublin for the conference and its workshops and tutorials.

At the main conference, 217 papers have been accepted (138 oral presentations and 79 poster presentations) from 685 effective submissions. Regardless of the format of presentation, all of the accepted papers were allocated 12 pages in the proceedings (http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/C/C14). The review process of a large conference such as COLING is always complex and occasionally encounters difficulties. The program committee has to cope with the challenges of electing which papers to accept among a large quantity of high quality submissions. The task of choosing 217 papers from 685 strong submissions covering the ever broadening fields of computational linguistics was not an easy one.

To cope with the anticipated difficulties, a Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) has been established to help the Program Chairs through all stages of reviewing papers, consisting of six senior members: Ralph Grishman (New York University, USA), Yuji Matsumoto (NAIST, Japan), Joakim Nivre (Uppsala Univ., Sweden), Michael Picheny (IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA), Donia Scott (Univ. of Sussex, UK), and Chengqing Zong (CAS, China).

Coling 2014 program consisted of 20 thematic areas. Each area was chaired by two or more area chairs. Thanks to over 800 responsive reviewers, the review process proceeded in a very smooth manner, and each paper was read at least by three reviewers. In some cases, papers and their reviews were carefully assessed by Area Co-Chairs, one of the SAB members and by the Program Committee Co-Chairs. The Program Committee was extremely happy with the very strong set of papers that has been accepted for presentation at the conference. It is, however, with regret that there was no choice but to reject a large number of high quality papers, due to the sheer volume of submissions received.

Four invited speakers from different areas have been given the floor every morning: Mary Harper (DARPA, USA: "Learning from 26 languages: Program Management and Science in the Babel Program"), Ted Gibson (MIT, USA: "Language for communication: Language as rational inference"), Qun Liu {DCU, Ireland: "Annotation Adaptation and Language Adaptation in NLP") and Martin Kay (Stanford University, USA and Saarbruecken, Germany: "Does a Computational Linguist have to be a Linguist?").

The program committee has selected two papers for the "IBM Best paper" award: "A context-based model for Sentiment Analysis in Twitter" by Andrea Vanzo, Danilo Croce and Roberto Basili from the University of Roma Tor Vergata, Italy, and "Relation Classification via Convolutional Deep Neural Network" by Daojian Zeng, Kang Liu, Siwei Lai, Guangyou Zhou and Jun Zhao from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. These papers have been given prominent time in a plenary session just before closing the conference. Two "Honorary mentions" have been awarded, too: "Empirical Analysis of Aggregation Methods for Collective Annotation", by Ciyang Qing, Ulle Endriss, Raquel Fernandez and Justin Kruger, and "Learning to Distinguish Hypernyms and Co-Hyponyms" by Julie Weeds, Daoud Clarke, Jeremy Reffin, David Weir and Bill Keller.

The main program of Coling 2014 has been supplemented by 18 workshops (some reporting on their Shared Tasks), one co-located event, and 6 tutorials.

Big "thank you" goes to the people who made COLING 2014 possible: to the General Chairs, Josef van Genabith (Universität des Saarlandes/DFKI, Germany) and Andy Way (CNGL, DCU, Ireland), and the chairs of the Local Organizing Committee, Cara Green (CNGL, DCU) and John Judge (CNGL/NCLT, DCU), for their tireless work. The Publications Chairs, Joachim Wagner (CNGL, DCU), Liadh Kelly (CNGL, DCU) and Lorraine Goeuriot (CNGL, DCU), deserve a special mention for their hard work in preparing the proceedings.

Jan Hajić and Jun'ichi Tsujii
COLING 2014 Program Committee Co-Chairs

9. Report on EMNLP 2014

The 19th conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) will be held on October 25-29, 2014, in Doha, Qatar. This is the yearly conference organized by SIGDAT, the Association for Computational Linguistics' special interest group on linguistic data and corpus-based approaches to NLP. The conference will consist of three days of full and short paper presentations with two days of workshops and tutorials.

The General Chair of the conference is Alessandro Moschitti from Qatar Computing Research Institute. Bo Pang (Google) and Walter Daelemans (University of Antwerp) act as Program co-Chairs. The team of local organizers is lead by Kareem Darwish (Qatar Computing Research Institute) and Kemal Oflazer (Carnegie Mellon University - Qatar). The entire organization committee can be found at http://emnlp2014.org

The main conference will take place on October 26-28, 2014. We received 790 submissions (after initial withdrawals of unfinished submissions and removal of duplicates), of which 28 were rejected before review for not adhering to the instructions in the call for papers regarding paper length or anonymity. We accepted 155 long and 70 short papers, representing a global acceptance rate of just under 30%. These papers together with nine papers accepted by the ACL journal TACL constitute a very high quality and exciting program. Please, check the list of accepted papers and the final program at the EMNLP 2014 website. Additionally, EMNLP 2014 will count on two world-class invited speakers for the keynote talks: Salim Roukos, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center ("IBM Cognitive Computing - An NLP Renaissance!") and Thorsten Joachims, Cornell University ("Learning from Rational Behavior"). More details at: http://emnlp2014.org/invited-talks.html

This year EMNLP has some other novelties:

EMNLP 2014 website: http://www.emnlp2014.org.

Alessandro Moschitti
EMNLP 2014 General Chair

10. Report on ESSLLI 2014

The European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI) has been organized every year since 1989 under the auspices of the Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI) in different cities around Europe. The ESSLLI series has established itself as one of the major annual academic events in Europe, where dozens of worldwide leading academics present courses, organise workshops, and exchange ideas on a wide variety of established and new topics in the areas of Logic, Language, and Computation. It is regularly attended by several hundreds of highly motivated master and doctoral students and young researchers. One of the most distinct and valuable features of the ESSLLI schools is their highly interdisciplinary nature, making them a unique meeting point of logicians, linguists, computer scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians.

The 26th Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2014, http://www.esslli2014.info/) took place at the University of Tübingen, Germany, during August 11-22, 2014. The organisation committee was chaired by Gerhard Jäger (Institute of Linguistics, Tübingen) and the programme committee was chaired by Frank Veltman (ILLC, University of Amsterdam). During two weeks, over 380 participants were offered a rich academic program of their choice from 6 foundational, 18 introductory and 18 advanced courses and 5 workshops. Just as in the previous years, the 19th conference on Formal Grammar colocated with ESSLLI.

Besides the regular courses, a traditional highlight of the summer school were the 4 evening lectures by distinguished academics:

Another traditional event was the student session, organized by a student programme committee chaired by Ronald de Haan (Technische Universität Wien): master and doctoral students presented 16 papers and 5 posters, and Andreas Walker (University of Constance) obtained the best paper award and Paula Henk (University of Amsterdam) obtained the best poster award. Moreover, the Beth Dissertation Prize was announced at the FoLLI General Meeting and went to Thomas Graf (University of California at Los Angeles).

Apart from the busy academic programme, participants of the summer school were offered an exciting social program as well. In addition to the traditional ESSLLI Party and the famous Students vs. Lecturers Soccer Match (where, for only the second time in ESSLLI's history, the lecturers won), excursions to Lake Constance and to a nearby Chocoloate Museum as well as a guided city tour through Tübingen were offered. The budget of ESSLLI 2014 was based mainly on the participants' registration fees, with additional funding from Tübingen University and various research institutions. In line with the ESSLLI tradition, all teaching and organizing work for the summer school was done on a voluntary basis. Lecturers and workshop organizers were not paid for their contribution but were reimbursed for part of their travel and accommodation cost. This made it possible to keep the participation at the school affordable for graduate students and to award several grants to underprivileged but highly motivated students who would have otherwise been unable to attend the summer school.

To sum it up, ESSLLI 2014 was a very successful and memorable academic and cultural event, and since its closing day many of the participants began looking forward to the next edition: ESSLLI 2015 at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain, August 3-14, 2015. Chair of the Program Committee is Achim Jung (University of Birmingham, UK), and Chair of the Organizing Committee is Louise McNally (Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain).

Frank Veltman
Chair of the Programme Committee of ESSLLI 2014

Gerhard Jäger
Chairs of the Organisation Committee of ESSLLI 2014

11. Calendar

The Calendar can be found by clicking on the link at the top left of the EACL web pages: http://www.eacl.org/